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roboSpin Worldwide

roboSpin will help improve flock fertility rates for broiler breeders worldwide by initiating increased mating activity within the flock.


From the highly successful SpinFeeder range, we are pleased to introduce roboSpin. This modern approach to scratch feeding is designed to improve flock fertility and aid healthy bird condition.

The roboSpin operates on specialist tracking, travelling up and down the length of the house, quickly and evenly distributing a small amount of food as it passes the nest boxes to entice birds down from the perches to encourage social interaction with the ultimate aim to positively influence egg fertility.

When it comes to production costs, there is no difference between producing a fertile or infertile egg, integrating roboSpin into your stock management system will aid fertile egg production and flock productivity. 


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  • j Increased egg fertility rates throughout the flock
  • j Accurate, even distribution of feed gives all birds have instant, equal access
  • j Activity created during scratch feeding maintains a superior quality litter greatly aiding healthy beak and foot condition
  • j Including a scratch feed on the litter area creates a more level litter condition which will deter nesting in that area, reducing floor eggs
  • j Reduced association between personnel and feeding enables more effective stock management
  • j The specialist tracking also serves as a handy rail for a mobile maintenance trolley and can also be used in place of any existing or proposed mono rails in new breeder houses
  • We have purchased many Collinson Spin Feeder systems, in fact in excess of 20 houses. We have excellent results in all areas with these spin feeders and they have proved very successful. The installation numbers speak for themselves, we would recommend them to any farm looking for the best feeding equipment.


    Sacit Omay, General Manager, Sen Pilic - Sen Pilic are a large poultry integration with farms throughout Turkey.

If you would like to find out more about our poultry feeding systems, contact our export poultry specialists who will be happy to help you